• Life & the Woman

    I am not a captive to Fear, Worry, Anxiety or Doubt

    This is a 21 Day Devotional Fast I am currently doing from the YouVersion bible.com app. It has been every encouraging so far and I particularly loved this devotion which has given me more insight into living in faith with God. The devotion is quoted below. Devotional “In the famous narrative of David fighting Goliath, David needed one single shot to Goliath’s forehead. So the question follows, why did David pick up five stones when he only needed one? Generally there are two camps of thought; one camp says that David lacked faith; and another says that it was because Goliath had 4 brothers. The first is refuted because David…

  • Faith & the Woman

    Jump in Faith

    False Evidence Appearing Real! (FEAR) That’s our Fears! So that’s what we are truly afraid of? Really? It’s funny how we can become so afraid of ….. NOTHING!!! Funny and yet interesting huh? In the book of 2 Timothy 1:7, we are reminded here by Paul that “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Yet still we adopt what God has not given us into our lives, holding unto it like it is ours. What Paul was really telling Timothy was that when God created him, He did not craft him with a spirit of fear, but…

  • Life & the Woman,  Plan & Organize

    A Journey To Discipline

    One of the things I’ve realized is that it is always easy for me to begin a thing but to continue it for a longer period is challenging. For example, I have seen myself get all hyped about waking up early in the morning to exercise for the first week, even the second week but by the third week, I’m like, “give me just five more minutes in bed please, I just can’t…” Then this turns into an hour and days go by and I have missed my goal. I do realize though that this does not happen for everything just the things I need to put more effort into…

  • Life & the Woman

    It’s Still Possible – Just BELIEVE

    Isn’t it funny how we (women) tend to put others first a lot of the time. We are always ready to serve others be it our children, parents, husband, church family, even our jobs and oftentimes tend to forget about ourselves. We often sacrifice our desires to meet that of those we love and serve. I question, why do we sacrifice so much for others and forget about the passions engraved deep within our heart? We sometimes push so hard for others and are so consumed by the cares of those we serve that we even forget that we once upon a time used to dream.  Please note I am…

  • Devotion,  Faith & the Woman

    Abba Keeps His Promises

    The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. 2 She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. 3 And Abraham named their son Isaac. 4 Eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as God had commanded. 5 Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.6 And Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter.[a] All who hear about this will laugh with me. 7 Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse a baby? Yet I have given Abraham a son…

  • Faith & the Woman

    Times & Seasons – Wait Patiently

    For everything there is a time and a season. We may be waiting now, but sooner than we believe, we will soon be enjoying the blessings.  Times & Seasons  Bible Reference: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 We have to learn how times and seasons work in our life. When it’s time to simply wait on God, we wait patiently, in love and in deep passion in Christ.  This brings a smile to my face because I just love God. I love how He makes me feel when I spend time with Him. He lets me know that there is a time and a season for everything. Though I may be waiting, I…

  • Faith & the Woman

    God is In Control-Wait Patiently

    During the week of January 13th 2022, I was a bit concerned about God’s timing for things to happen in my life. I know it seems anxious and I should not be. We are reminded to be anxious for nothing but instead, do everything with prayer and supplication, making our request known to God. He will then give us His peace to guidance.  I allowed my mind to take on a path of its own for a while and honestly, that’s not good at all. When we do that we give the enemy entry into our heart and mind and then we begin to worry and this often leads to…

  • Devotion,  Faith & the Woman,  Life & the Woman,  Reflect & Meditate

    Go Where He Calls You

    Go where He calls you. He has already prepared the way. Be Strong. Be Courageous. God is with you. Joshua 1:9 tells us “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” However let’s dig a little deeper. In Joshua 1 from verses 1 to 9 God spoke to Him after His leader past and instructed him to take up the mantle and gave him the keys to be successful. This is outlined from verses five (5) then in verse nine (9) reminded him that He would not be alone because He (God) would…

  • Life & the Woman

    Say Yes

    Isn’t it a great day to start a New Adventure. A new adventure with God is so possible regardless of what your past looked like. Forget the past. Behold He wants to do a New Thing in your life today and then for the rest of your life, if you will allow Him. If you do right now, from this very moment this new life will begin. It’s that sudden. You won’t have to do anything except give Him access into your heart and life. He is able to turn your mouring into dancing and your sadness into exceeding joy. You don’t have to settle for less anymore because He…

  • Life & the Woman

    Why be Thankful

    Thanksgiving is a truly special time of the year. It’s that peculiar moment where we reflect on the days, months and years gone by, we ponder on our losses but even more so on our gains/blessings. It’s a moment in time where our busyness stands still in order to show gratitude to Abba and then we extend this to our family, friends, coworkers, other loved ones, and also to our enemies.  In this period of time we live in, it can surely be a bit difficult to utter thanks and I truly understand. We have been faced with great pain, sorrow and frustration as a result of everything happening in…