Reflect & Meditate

So many times we get caught up in what we call “Life”.

Do you know that true life is Christ? The enemy knows that and daily he tries his best to destroy that truth from us. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, so stay alert. Christ came to give life and I am not talking about this mundane life we see daily. You know, the social media kind of life. I am talking about an abundant life. The Life that only comes from the Father up above. He came to give us new life so that this old life, the one that’s meaningless would perish away. He gifts us a new life that has power, meaning and passion. When we receive this life we can feel his presence residing intimately within our bones. We become one with him.

Do not search for true life out in the world, you will be led astray. Seek Christ and pursue Him only. By doing this He will tell you which way you need to go to fulfil your destiny.