You Are Ready
You have already been prepared to produce more fruit by the teaching I have given you.
John 15:3 ERV
As I sit and reflect upon the words of John I begin to feel overwhelmed by the revelation the Lord gives. He lets you know in this season and on this very day that He already prepared you to produce more fruit as a result of all the classes you took with Him. This is the point at which He says to you; “You Are Ready”.
Did He just say that? Did the Great Rabbi say that I am ready?
Yes, He said that you are ready. As a matter of fact the verse states, “ you have already been prepared…”
At that moment when Jesus was speaking to the disciples, they had been with Him for a long time now. Jesus knew that His time was soon approaching when He would be crucified and He was basically sharing His last farewells to them. He took the time to impart some real deep truth because He knew that at that very moment they were ready to receive it. They had gone through the rigorous process of being refined while on the journey with Jesus. As a result of their “yes” to follow Him they all needed to be refined and pruned for this very moment. They were ready already by this time to handle their ministries. They were mandated to go out into the world to preach the true gospel which would lead people to Jesus.
In this very same way, Jesus took you on a long journey. This journey at times felt quite overwhelming and I am sure just like me, you wanted to give up. Somehow, we never did. Though tough, you kept holding on because the more you allowed the Father to prune you the better you became. I can surely relate. Your faith in Him only got stronger. You began to believe that truly all things are possible even when it doesn’t make sense. You were pressed but not crushed, persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. You are blessed beyond the curse because His promises endures that His joy is your strength. (2 Corinthians 4)
The wilderness was made to bring out the treasure inside of you and me. There is a treasure in this earthen vessel of ours and everything that we went through was necessary to bring out the best in us and remove the things of the flesh. That’s why along the journey Holy Spirit needed to encourage us to hold on because He was perfecting a good work inside of us. We didn’t understand what He was doing fully but soon we will. We have undergone some intense training and preparation for the great call on our life and now He says that we are prepared and ready to carry out this mandate.
I encourage you to hold fast to His heart, hands and words. It’s His desire that you continue the good work you started by abiding in the True Vine so that you will produce even more fruit. He wants you to be fruitful and multiply the works of your hands and understand even more importantly that without Him you are nothing.
Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 ERV
Go Now! Possess the Promise Land!