• Reflect & Meditate


    Our days can be filled with worries, stress and fear. Peace is the absence of fear. Peace is resting and quieting yourself before God and trusting in Him completely regardless of our current situation. We are also commanded to live in peace with everyone as much as it is possible. We need to always do our best to put aside our own desires and seek the desires of God’s will which will bring peace in our everyday life. Let’s review what God has to say about “peace”. In all we do let us hold fast to the unchanging hands of God and rest in Him completely because in Him we…

  • Faith & the Woman

    He is our Shepherd

    Psalms 23 lays it down smoothly: “The Lord is my shepherd.     I will always have everything I need. He gives me green pastures to lie in.    He leads me by calm pools of water. He restores my strength.    He leads me on right paths to show that he is good. Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave,    I will not be afraid of any danger, because you are with me.     Your rod and staff comfort me.  You prepared a meal for me in front of my enemies.    You welcomed me as an honored guest.    My cup is full and spilling over. Your goodness and mercy will be with me all my life,    and I will live in the Lord’s house a long,…

  • Life & the Woman

    God’s Promises Are Yes

    I wonder if this will ever come pass? Have God forgotten me? Did God even hear my prayer? These and more are all the questions we ask ourselves and God, while we wait on Him to come through for us. We ponder on our prayer requests, trying to figure out if it will happen and then entertain voices from the devil. Although we might have just asked one question to assess what’s going on in our life, this one question has the potential to open the door to the devil. What he does then is walk in, get relaxed then begin to feed our mind with more negative and doubtful…

  • Devotion,  Life & the Woman

    Don’t Chase The Dream

    We so very often hear the sayings “Go after your dreams”, “follow your dreams” or “Chase your dreams”. While all these sayings have their place and time, we must be very careful not to use them freely. I can not recall any one moment in scripture where we were ever encouraged to pursue our dreams or even chase after them. Have you? If you have please comment down below for further study on this subject matter. We are encouraged in Matthew 6:33 to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be added unto us. In this one (1) reference, the things we should seek after, pursue…

  • Life & the Woman

    Are You Ready to Receive?

    We often go to God with a list of our heart’s desires. How ready are you to receive everything you are asking for? I wanna draw to your attention the parable of the ten (10) virgins as referenced in Matthew 25:1-13. There were five (5) who were wise and the remaining five (5) were foolish. They all had lamps and oil in their lamps. Unfortunately, only the wise virgins held extra oil to replenish their lamp if necessary. For the other group, I suppose this never crossed their mind. Perhaps they were too preoccupied and even if they might have seen the wise virgins take extra, they possibly could have thought,…

  • Reflect & Meditate


    I want to leave this verse here to just encourage someone. Someone who might be going through a tough time. Someone who might be afraid of the unknown. Someone who might be gripped by fear. Well right now I come against the spirit of fear, you have to leave Now!! Leave now in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Fear doesn’t have any power over you, because God did not give you a spirit of fear, but one of Power, Love and a Sound Mind!!!! I declare this in your life today, in Jesus Name. Fear has to bow before the presence of the Almighty. Speak the Word of God over…

  • Life & the Woman

    The Lord Wants to Bless You

    You want a house, but God wants to give you a mansion. For a while I was seeking God for a financial breakthrough. I know a lot of us could do with some extra cash to pursue our dreams and become financially free. Sometimes it fells like we have to travail quite a bit before we can finally reach that which we desire. I really believe this is true. Just the like lady with the issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48) had to push and press her way through until she could at least touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, we have to do the same in certain situations. Do not give up.…

  • Life & the Woman

    I am not a captive to Fear, Worry, Anxiety or Doubt

    This is a 21 Day Devotional Fast I am currently doing from the YouVersion bible.com app. It has been every encouraging so far and I particularly loved this devotion which has given me more insight into living in faith with God. The devotion is quoted below. Devotional “In the famous narrative of David fighting Goliath, David needed one single shot to Goliath’s forehead. So the question follows, why did David pick up five stones when he only needed one? Generally there are two camps of thought; one camp says that David lacked faith; and another says that it was because Goliath had 4 brothers. The first is refuted because David…

  • Faith & the Woman

    Jump in Faith

    False Evidence Appearing Real! (FEAR) That’s our Fears! So that’s what we are truly afraid of? Really? It’s funny how we can become so afraid of ….. NOTHING!!! Funny and yet interesting huh? In the book of 2 Timothy 1:7, we are reminded here by Paul that “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Yet still we adopt what God has not given us into our lives, holding unto it like it is ours. What Paul was really telling Timothy was that when God created him, He did not craft him with a spirit of fear, but…

  • Life & the Woman,  Reflect & Meditate


    As I lay on my bed, a million and one thoughts come rushing to mind. I question why is all “this” happening to me?” Everything seems to be malfunctioning one after the other. If it’s not one thing it’s another. At first I chose to pay little attention to it but things get to a point when it really touches that last nerve and I can no longer bare it anymore. I soon began to question why must I let go of certain things or people. Honestly, I do not fully understand at this point. At this point of life, things make you feel like you are in a maze.…