He is our Shepherd
Psalms 23 lays it down smoothly:
“The Lord is my shepherd.
I will always have everything I need.
He gives me green pastures to lie in.
He leads me by calm pools of water.
He restores my strength.
He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.
Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave,
I will not be afraid of any danger, because you are with me.
Your rod and staff comfort me. You prepared a meal for me in front of my enemies.
You welcomed me as an honored guest.
My cup is full and spilling over.
Your goodness and mercy will be with me all my life,
and I will live in the Lord’s house a long, long time.”
This powerful Psalm from David brings such contentment to our soul whenever we need a small reminder of who God is to us. He is our Shepherd. He is a good Shepherd and a Good Shepherd always takes care of His sheep.
As we meditate on this Psalm, let us reflect on what a shepherd’s role is. A shepherd is responsible for the safety and welfare of the sheep under his care. This means he would; ensure to guide them into areas where they will be well fed and enjoy a refreshing drink of water, protect them from predators and other animals which could harm them, clean and groom them up, oversee everything they do and eat to protect them from poisonous substances, and ensure they have a safe place to sleep at night. The good shepherd would also manage every sheep he oversees so well that he would always know the exact number with him and ensure to not leave any one behind. This shows a clear reflection of one’s tender loving care to the animals placed under his responsibility.
Similarly this is who Christ is to us. We sometimes forget this when we get caught up in situations of life. We begin to feel so overwhelmed that we forget His sweet promise of Him being our Good Shepherd. Just as the shepherd’s role in everyday life is to ensure safety and welfare of his sheep, Christ does the very same and even more for us. He provides for us everything we need so much so that we lack no good thing. He ensures that even before we run dry that another provision is made for our delivery, even if we can’t physically see it yet. He bids us to come to Him and in His presence there is fullness of Joy and Living Water which will never run dry. He becomes our strength when the journey becomes too burdensome for us. When we get lost along the way for a little while, He leaves the others to earnestly find us, and He wont give up until He does. When we go through deep dark waters, He remains faithfully with us. Nothing can overtake us because our Good Shepherd will never allow any harm to conquer us. He is full of love, compassion and selflessness. He shields us from harm all day long with His mighty Rod while He carefully and purposefully tells us which is the best way to go with His loving Staff. He wants only the best for us. Even among our enemies he elevates us and trample them under His feet. No one can mess around with His children. His unconditional love overflows our head with the pouring of His sweet anointing oil. He ensures to assign Goodness and Mercy to continually follow us all the days of our life. May we desire to dwell in His presence forever.
Our Good Shepherd will always take care of His Sheep. Stay close to Him and allow His unfailing Love to envelope you because He will never leave you behind to be defeated by the raging lions.
Remember He is Your Good Shepherd and in Him you have everything you could possible want.