
Weekly Devotions

  • Devotion,  Faith & the Woman

    Try Again

    When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon [Peter], “Put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch [of fish].” 5 Simon replied, “Master, we worked hard all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing [in our nets], but at Your word I will [do as you say and] lower the nets [again].” 6 When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their nets were [at the point of] breaking; 7 so they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both of the boats [with fish], so…

  • Devotion,  Faith & the Woman,  Life & the Woman,  Reflect & Meditate

    Go Where He Calls You

    Go where He calls you. He has already prepared the way. Be Strong. Be Courageous. God is with you. Joshua 1:9 tells us “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” However let’s dig a little deeper. In Joshua 1 from verses 1 to 9 God spoke to Him after His leader past and instructed him to take up the mantle and gave him the keys to be successful. This is outlined from verses five (5) then in verse nine (9) reminded him that He would not be alone because He (God) would…

  • Devotion,  Reflect & Meditate

    Prayer for Pardon

    It’s my prayer that as you say this prayer of David for pardon of your own sins, that you open up your heart and mean every word of it. The Lord wants to meet you exactly where you are. He wants to pardon you. He desires to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. He wants to make your life pure and holy. He wants to set you apart so that you will be used only for His Glory. He wants you to offer up sacrifices of praise and joy in His Tabernacle. Importantly, He wants you to offer up sacrifices of obedience, because He said in His Word; Obedience is better…

  • Devotion,  Reflect & Meditate

    Planted by Rivers of Water

    As we meditate upon the word of God, one of the scriptures which the Lord brings to mind is Psalm 1.In this small passage the Lord shares with us through the Psalmist, the blessings which belongs to those who choose to walk with God. He stated that great blessings belong to those who refuse to listen to evil advice, those who do not live like sinners do and who do not join those people who find it funny to joke about our King. This simple list gives us the opportunity to reflect upon our life and determine whether or not we fall under any of these categories and if we…

  • Devotion


    “Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock. “Whoever hears these teachings of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. And it fell with a loud crash.” Matthew 7:24-27 How anchored are you in Christ? Do the storms of life quickly bring you down and overwhelm you?…

  • Devotion

    Show that You are My Followers

    Stay joined together with me, and follow my teachings. If you do this, you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you. Show that you are my followers by producing much fruit. This will bring honor to my Father. John 15: 7 & 8 – ERV It has been a beautiful journey with the Messiah as we walked with Him through the Vineyard. He carefully instructed us the true way to follow, He pruned and refined us, He prepared us for our great assignments and then He reinforced His desire for us to remain only in Him. Once we remain in Him, He promised to…

  • Devotion

    Never Produce Alone

    If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. John 15:6 Picture this, during the fall season the leaves lose their green feature simply because of the change in season. During this season, the days get shorter and the plants get less exposure to the sunlight as compared to the spring and summer seasons. Thus the leaves will now only get a fraction of the necessary nutrients required from the sun as before and would have to be sustained by what is already in the leaf to maintain its life.…

  • Devotion

    Stay Joined To Me…

     “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I to you, you will produce plenty of fruit. But separated from me you won’t be able to do anything. John 15:5 As we reflect over the past four (4) weeks, abiding and simply walking with Christ through John 15:1-4, we see and feel much revelation imparted to us. He first told us that we should abide in Him; the True Vine. Then He took the time to prune us and stared us in the eyes and lovingly said “You are ready”. After which He encouraged us to remain in Him. On our deep…

  • Devotion

    Live in Me

     Stay joined to me and I will stay joined to you. No branch can produce fruit alone. It must stay connected to the vine. It is the same with you. You cannot produce fruit alone. You must stay joined to me. John 15: 4 Stemming from our previous devotional “You Are Ready” Christ shared the good news to His disciples. They were ready to carry out their missions. They were already prepared to handle Kingdom Business without Him physically being there. However, He instructed them to never stray away from Him. In order for them to produce fruit it was essential for them to remain connected to the True Vine. …

  • Devotion

    You Are Ready

    You have already been prepared to produce more fruit by the teaching I have given you. John 15:3 ERV As I sit and reflect upon the words of John I begin to feel overwhelmed by the revelation the Lord gives. He lets you know in this season and on this very day that He already prepared you to produce more fruit as a result of all the classes you took with Him. This is the point at which He says to you; “You Are Ready”. Did He just say that? Did the Great Rabbi say that I am ready? Yes, He said that you are ready. As a matter of…