Will You Just Trust Me?
As I reflect on the journey I decided to make with God, I question the unpredictable path. He lovingly always responds to me but in the end ensures to give me a choice. He never forces me to do anything but instead reminds me that He is my Father and He knows what He is doing. In order to live the abundant life, we have to be willing to just trust Him even when it doesn’t make sense.
Me: Where exactly are You taking me God?
God: You don’t need to know right now but what I want is for you to just Trust Me.
Me: Wouldn’t it be better to know?
God: Wasn’t I the one who created you?
Me: Yes.
God: Awesome!
God: Wouldn’t I know exactly what comes next in your life because I am your architect?
Me: Well Yes…. But ….
God: But you still don’t believe that I know the plans that I have for you Huh?
Me: Yes I do but….
God: But in spite of this you still are afraid to just trust the one who holds your future in His hands. You fail to understand that I am your creator and the creator knows exactly the plans and path the creation needs to take. Even though it may not make sense to the creation, the Creator knows exactly what He is doing. Every creation has been crafted with a special purpose, one which must be fulfilled if they only trust me and walk in obedience.
God: In this path you may not have all the details, but the creator who created you out of Love knows exactly where He is taking you. It may seem scary at times but always remember I am a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Learn to lean on me completely even if you don’t understand. Learn to trust Me. I am your potter and you are my clay. I am carving you into my perfect treasure for my Glory.
God: Now, is there some space in your heart to Just Trust Me?
Me: …………….
I get it, we sometimes just want to know, but God just wants us to Trust Him!
Its my prayer that all of us learn to Just Trust God – Yahweh – today for the rest of our life. The potter knows what he is creating with his clay.