It’s a Done Deal!
Hey Dear!
God Never loses a battle! He will come through for you at His appointed time.
Regardless of what the situation looks like once He said it, consider it DONE! Whatever God says CANNOT return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). It must accomplish that which He sent it out to do. Even if the enemy roars and rages against you just remember there are more who are with you than those with them (2 Kings 6:16). No demon in hell can trample upon you once you abide in Him. As a matter of fact the Lord has given you the authority to trample upon scorpions and serpents and nothing by no means shall harm you (Luke 10:19). Don’t allow the situation to drag you into a state of depression and worry because God has already won an overwhelming victory. Just continue to trust His Word because it’s the only substance that is alive and active. It will stand while everything else fades away. You can rely on the Lord God Almighty to fight your battles for you because once He does it, you Must Win. It’s a Done Deal with Christ. Don’t allow what you see to hinder what God already said about your situation. Speak His Word! It is sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).
Trust His Heart and Just Believe. The blessing and victory is yours, you just have to believe and don’t doubt.