Come Walk With Me…
I feel worn out and exhausted from life issues. I’m literally grappling for any form of hope. Abba reaches out His soft palm and holds my hands. I instantly feel an unexplainable peace enveloping me. He comforts me and says;
“My dear child, you need nothing. I am everything you need and will ever need. Come follow me into the pasture I have already prepared for you because I love you. I want you to rest and rejuvenate in me. Come. Lay down in this lush meadow for a while and just find rest in me. Reflect on my goodness. I will never leave you nor will I forsake you. You are mine and I am yours….”
“Come now, let me take you across to a spring of refreshing cool water. Do you know that in my presence you can receive a well of living water which will never run dry? Come here, wash your face. Wash off the worry, fear, anxiety and stress. Ahh…. there we go. You look soo refreshed. What a beauty you are.”
Come now, walk a while with me…
“I am the resurrection and the Life. Abide in me and you will be full of life even during the toughest seasons of your life. Abide in me and you will always produce luscious fruit; others will marvel. No matter what you go through, I promise to be with you to the very end. No harm will prevail over you. I am Jehovah Nissi, and I will be there to keep you on the right path. I will guide you. Don’t worry about your enemies, I have you covered. I will prepare a wonderful meal for you in front of your enemies. They will not be able to touch you. They will see my Glory shining all over you. My beauty and love, my goodness and mercy will chase you down all the days of your life. May you only desire to abide in my presence, forever.”
“I Love You (Name). My Child. I am madly in-Love with you.”