Time to Move
I have observed that every time the Lord desires to do a new thing in my life there was some form of movement which needed to take place.
Have you ever observed this in yours?
Let’s take this experience in my life as a simple example; I used to work at a sign company for a few yeas. After a while I honestly got bored and didn’t feel challenged enough. I needed some exciting challenge in my life which would push me to grow. Soon the Lord began to speak to me about leaving the job but I wasn’t very in tune with God and brushed the voice off thinking that it could’ve been my thoughts and desires. However apart from this I was a bit fearful to step into the open waters without another job waiting for me. I tried applying to many different businesses but was not successful. As a result I hesitated to move and over stayed my time at the job. I didn’t want to leave a “sure” job because I had responsibilities to care for and because I didn’t trust God on that kind of level yet. I doubted that this was His voice speaking to me. There were instances where I believe the Lord literally opened the door for me to leave but in my stubbornness I didn’t. Fast forward to six months later during that period of my life, the Lord literally pushed me out of the Job.
In truth and in fact by this time I knew it was Him. Why, you may ask. This happened in the year 2016, and previous to this year a lot of changes happened in my life which of course required big movements. These changes propelled me to really work on my relationship with God. While working at the job I would during my lunch break spend time with Him; that included praying, reading His word, fasting and worshiping. Though I didn’t realize the spiritual growth which was taking place during this season of my life, these private times with Him were stepping stones to where I am now (praise God). During these one on ones with Him, I also read daily devotionals from Joyce Meyer and surprisingly to me, the one I was reading spoke about taking a leap of faith and trusting God to make up the difference in areas I had no control over. It’s funny that this was the last devotion I read before I left the job. God was all along preparing me for this big transition and I wasn’t even aware of it. The level of growth I had attained during this time period on that job with Him was finished but there was more. It was necessary for me to leave that job and move on to something else for my training and refining in Him to continue. When I left the job, He kept me waiting on another one for a year, but it was during this personal rest time with Him I grew so much more. He had me all for Himself and the necessary spiritual healing which needed to take place was complete before He blessed me with another job.
I could go on and share my experience about this new job He blessed me with but I will share this one thing; every time He desired me to grow a little bit more He always shifted me from one place to another because the old cannot handle the new. When ever God requires to do a New Thing in your life a Shift must take place. He will tell you it’s time to move or move you when the right time has come, so that the manifestation of His work can continue in your life. I know sometimes we question God on why this or that is happening or has to happen. We ask Him why do we have to let go of a special job, person, place or thing that we love? We cannot comprehend what He has already worked out for us, so in the physical it looks ridiculous or like a useless move and as a result we become stubborn and refuse to move at His word. His Word say it perfectly, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8) We will never be able to understand completely the thoughts and ways of God until we are fully yielded to Him on a daily basis. When we operate in the flesh we hinder the move of God in our life. The way that God moves is in the spirit and He is able see the things which we can’t because our flesh is in constant war against our spirit. That’s why it’s important to daily worship God in spirit and truth to always be in alignment with Him and the work He is performing in our life and the world. We can head to over Galatians 5:16-17 which says “ This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” It’s God’s desire that we constantly live and walk in the Spirit so that we will always be ready to Move when Holy Spirit says so. By doing this we will not only be pleasing God but also be a blessing to others and be elevated by Him.
You may desire for God to do a miraculous work in your life but have you obeyed the last thing He called you to? Have you moved or are you stagnant in that same old position, situation or place? Did you obey Him when He said its time to move on from that job or relationship? What about that habit that keeps you from growing deeply in Him? Maybe He spoke to you about moving to another city, state or country. Usually when the Lord speaks to us, there is a stirring down on the inside of our belly. It leaves us feeling unsettled in the spirit because His grace is no longer on what used to be; we only really try to make it work. He also confirms His word as many times as He wants to and then if we remain stubborn and not move He takes pleasure in moving us. Always remember that one cannot put new wine in an old wineskin because it will burst.
You may be asking God for Him to do something new in your life but He requires you to move. The movement could also be spiritual like breaking up with an old mindset and strongholds of the mind. Tear down that temple which does not honour Him and allow Him to build it back up in three (3) days. He desires to do that new thing. He actually loves to bless His children. If you ask for the Holy Spirit He will give it to you but you also have to obey Him. One of the greatest bible stories ever told is the story of the children of Israel. They needed to MOVE in obedience to God so that they could experience God’s miraculous work of the Red Sea separation. There are many other examples and I encourage you to read them to edify your spirit.
Move at the voice of God as He instructs you and trust that He has your best interest at heart even if you do not understand how anything could possibly work out. Remember He is Alpha and Omega; He sees your end from your beginning and He has amazing plans for your future. Even if you are scared, move in obedience. He seriously got your back.