As I lay on my bed, a million and one thoughts come rushing to mind. I question why is all “this” happening to me?” Everything seems to be malfunctioning one after the other. If it’s not one thing it’s another. At first I chose to pay little attention to it but things get to a point when it really touches that last nerve and I can no longer bare it anymore. I soon began to question why must I let go of certain things or people. Honestly, I do not fully understand at this point.
At this point of life, things make you feel like you are in a maze. You try to figure out the solution but every strategy you execute is to no avail. You have no true reasoning or answers and it makes no sense to try to figure things out because it might just be a waste of time.
This is what I call a period of transition. Nothing Makes Sense.
If you are familiar with the story of Job, he was popular for this kind of “story of my life” situations. He went through a lot of turmoil; questioning God while at the same time recognizing His sovereignty. He couldn’t understand why everything which could go wrong with him went wrong, after basically living a sin free life. He honored God with his life and yet he faced a million and one painful issues that ripped his heart out of his chest. Though a lot of us has not experienced half of what Job went through, we still can somehow relate. We question, What have we done wrong now, Lord? Why does it seem like you have forsaken me? Do you remember Jesus Christ while he was dying on the cross for our sins? He cried out to His Father, “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?”, which means; ” My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?” He honoured the Father with His entire life and there came a point in time that He felt abandoned by God. He felt alone.
It amazes me as I reflect on this, that even our Saviour, Jesus Christ knows how that feels. How could someone who did everything His Father said, still feel like everything was falling apart? Could it be that in order for the new to be established the old must be broken down completely? “Tear down this Temple, and in three (3) days I will put it back together” John 2:19. This applies truly for anything new which needs to take place in this life. We can’t expect anything new to come while still holding unto the old. We must make room for it and if we don’t then God will. Some changes must happen in order for God to get us where He wants us, especially right now since we live in crucial times.
In the end God restored to Job twice as much as he possessed in the past. Jesus’ crucifixion; though it was painful and He asked for it to be taken away if it was God’s will, while praying in the garden of Gethsemane, opened the door for redemption of us all. The things they went through was tough but if you realised in both cases they gained far greater than what they had at the beginning. Of course both assignments were very different but the blessings at the end were tremendous. Job who was already wealthy experienced so much heartache before He could receive even more wealth. Jesus on other hand who was already a citizen from Heaven had to be our sacrifice so that today we can be free and Him, exalted even more.
The transition along our walk with Christ is not an easy one. In either case we will suffer some kind of loss because God’s Word says so. The more we desire to be used by God, the more He will refine us as is necessary. James said it perfectly when he stated “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance, (James 1:2-3).The transitionary space you are in right now is of no surprise to God. It can be very tough, but let us not go weary in doing good for if we faint not we shall soon reap a bountiful harvest. Do not give up on where God is calling you to, I understand that most times it makes no sense. I believe that God veils things from us until it’s time to see it or until we are where we need to be spiritually to see and understand it. Whatever circumstances you are faced with, surrender them all to Jesus and watch Him build them back up in three (3) days more beautiful and prosperous than they ever were.
Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
Philippians 4:6-7 MSG
While you transition into Greater levels spiritually and physically take heart and remember Jesus has already overcome the world. You Win!
Tear Down the Temple and in 3 Days God will Restore it!