The Promise Land
Many are praying for the days when they receive all the blessings God has in store for them. They travail long in the wilderness, trusting in God and believing Him daily for His provision. The wilderness season can be a long haul; one that often leaves us discouraged if we are not thoroughly prepared for it.
Wilderness according to https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wilderness “is a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings”. Its a place that is difficult for living, growing plants and cultivating a normal life. It’s uncomfortable to live in because of the difficult earth’s terrain and hot or cold weather conditions. It’s not a favourable location to pursue a family lifestyle. I would consider it a place to reside for only a short period of time, possibly for adventure or even a business film project. One would have had to previously assess the landscape and then come prepared to handle the difficulties they know they would face.
This is the season many may still be living in, have just left or are no longer in any more. Either way we can all attest that the wilderness season is not our most favoured experience and would probably never want to re-enter another again. We might have said, “Lord I have had enough, please take me out”. However, as difficult as this season can be, it’s certainly a season where our faith is tested and where we are pruned and refined. We learn to rely only on the hands and heart of Christ. Much like the Israelites, we can relate. If we have not learned what God deems necessary, He takes us back into another season until we are ready for the Promise Land and in hopes we get to enter it.
Have you ever questioned why do we need to be ready for the Promise Land? If the Promise Land is a land flowing with milk and honey, why do we need to be ready for such an enjoyment?
This thought takes me back to the story of Moses and the Israelites. Do you remember when Moses sent twelve (12) spies into the “Land flowing with Milk and Honey”? What did they report? They reported to him that the land was inhabited by strong men, it was an excellent property, well fortified with strong walls, with rich soil and verdant trees producing healthy fruits. They even brought back a branch of grapes to Moses to confirm their assessment. This was their perfect, ideal land promised to them way back during Abraham’s time. However there was one big problem, ten of the twelve men already felt defeated and reported to Moses that they would never be able to take down the strong men. However Joshua and Caleb believed that with God that job would be a piece of cake. There’s nothing that would be impossible with them because they knew that God was with them, so they could never be defeated. Interestingly only these two (2) made it to the Promise Land that everyone hoped for. (You can read the story in full in Number 13-14).
The Promise Land is not for everyone and we can see this very clearly in Number 13 – 14. The Promise Land is only for those who are ready and believe that they are able to conquer it. That’s why the wilderness season is very fundamental. It prepares your heart, mind and body to tackle the battle you will face in conquering the Land. Though the Promise Land was a beautiful place, it was inhabited by people whom they needed to fight in order to have the Land for themselves. If you realized, God only allowed the two young men along with a whole new generation of Israelites to enter because their heart and mind were exactly where God intended it to be. If they didn’t believe that this winning was possible they already lost battle. Going into battle already defeated will only bring out exactly what you believe. Whatsoever a man thinks in his heart so is he. God only wanted people who believed they could win to enter into the promise He had in store for them.
The wilderness season teaches us many things and one of those is how to trust God when looking at the obstacle before us. We learn to walk by faith and not by sight. We learn to rely on the strength of God and not ours. We discover who God has truly created us to be and He takes the time to train us during this season to walk boldly in Him. He takes His time to carefully refine us until we are like pure gold, ready to move at His command; not doubting a single word He says. He puts us to the test to ensure that we can be trusted. Just like the twelve (12) spies, He allows us a small opportunity to see the Promise Land; a glimpse of it, to mentally prepare us for what’s ahead. At the end, He also always gives us a choice; to enter and fight for it or to remain comfortable in our current wilderness season and die there. Remember Christ has come to give us life and life more abundantly, but the enemy will try to kill, steal and destroy the promise from us. Its always up to us to choose if we truly want the promise and the abundant life or just want to be comfortable. There will always be a fight! It’s your call!
For those who have received a glimpse of the Promise Land or who is currently standing on the Land, take heart, Christ has already overcome the world. That simply means we have already won. We are just now physically playing out the battle. Christ wants you to fight for the Land because it is yours. Your name is on that Land, it’s your Promise delivered to you but you are required to put out a Tough Fight for it until you win. The “giants” in the Land will do their best to intimidate you because they feel they are intruded upon since it’s their territory, they have been there for years. We have news for them, their time is up, Now! Do not waste another moment feeling like you can’t win this battle, the truth is you already won! You were being prepared for this all the time in the wilderness. You have been trained and tested and you passed the test, that’s why you made it in. Don’t doubt and fear now. Remember, these are of the devil. He is like a roaring lion seeking those he wants to devour. Truth is, he can’t touch you because you have been anointed for such a time like this! We fight from a point of victory and not in hopes we could win the victory.
Change your shoes. This is a different kind of territory. You are no longer in the wilderness. You must change those sandals into a pair of heels, the kind that is designed to crush the serpent’s head. The Lord brings back a simple memory to mind, this happened a few days ago. One evening I reached out for my silver heels to kill an animal. At that very moment the Lord spoke to me and said it’s time to change your shoes. Confused, I inquired of Him to please explain what He meant. He replied to me, “when you killed the animal with the heels wasn’t it easier?” I said “yes it was actually pretty easy”. He said “that’s how it will be when you change your shoes and put on the heels. It will be easier to crush the serpents head”. He also brought to my memory a dream I had way back in 2020 or 2019 to help me fully understand what He was saying. I will be able to give a strong fight. As I continued to seek the Lord about this, I realized He was telling me it was time to take my position in the Promise Land. He made me understand that this Promise Land is paradise but I must fight because there are giants in the land who will not be happy that I am here. They will try to defeat me but wont be able to because God is with me so I cannot fail.
There are souls attached to your Promised Land who need you to take your position, put on the Full Armour of God and fight that battle. You cannot back down now. Esther was an amazing example when she went before the king boldly. She stated if she perished then she perished but she knew with the assistance of her cousin Mordecai that she was placed there for such a time as this. If you do not move God will allow someone else to carry out this assignment because this work must be done to save the souls of His people. Fast if you have to, but do not run away in fear.
For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”
Esther 4:14-16 NKJV
You are placed in the Promised Land for such a time as this because souls need your help. You have been appointed to take up this mantle to lead the people into victory just like Joshua.
Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31: 7-8 NIV
It’s a new season. You have crossed over. You are prepared to victoriously subdue the Promise Land. You were born for such a time as this. You will also experience God in a different way than you did in the wilderness. Change Your Shoes and Fight! God is with you!