A Position of Power
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3, ESV
My friend, you may have many reasons for why you get worried, upset, fearful, and not able to sleep at night, but just because it’s around you doesn’t mean you have to let it in. When you’re at peace in your mind, that’s a position of power. If you’re going to keep the clutter out of your mind, you have to know what’s your job and what’s God’s job. Sometimes we’re frustrated because we’re trying to do what only God can do. Some things we can’t fix. You can’t make yourself get well, make somebody do what’s right, or make some doors open. Our part is to believe, to stay in faith, to keep our mind on God, then let Him do His part. Trust Him to work it out as well as keep you in peace, and He’ll get you to where you’re supposed to be.
Empty out all the negative thoughts in your mind, and program your mind with what God says about you. A mind that is stayed on God is a powerful force.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that there is a place in my mind where I can stay my thoughts on You and abide in peace. Help me to unclutter my mind of all the negative thoughts that have gotten in. I will do my part to stay in faith and let You step in and do Your part. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Author unknown