A New Thing
One of the things about God, is that He isn’t a talker. What He says He will do, He always does. He says in Isaiah 55: 11 (paraphrased) that when His words leave His mouth it can’t return unto Him void. In order words; whatever His says must be accomplished. It’s impossible for Him to lie, therefore what He says He will do, He does.
In this season of life, the Lord is doing a new thing. We know that He has done marvelous things for us in the past but He says to forget all that. Pretty much the same thing He told the children of Israel. Forget about the former things because this thing He is doing is absolutely new. Eyes have not seen, neither have ears heard the things the Lord has in store for those who love Him.
My Dear Friend, if you don’t recall anything here just remember one thing, He is doing a New Thing. Believe it even if there are no signs right now. Believe Him even if you look around and everything seems normal. Believe Him even when it doesn’t make sense. Its not for us to try to figure anything out. All we need to do is trust the God who has never failed us. Trust the God whose words has never returned void. Trust the God who loves you eternally. Trust Him because He loves you and He has the best for you.
He is Your Redeemer! He is making ways in places we would never thought was possible. He is making All Things New!!! NOW!!!

A Mighty Refreshing is coming. He has actually already begun!
Get Ready, Be Ready and Stay Ready!!!!!