I am not a captive to Fear, Worry, Anxiety or Doubt
This is a 21 Day Devotional Fast I am currently doing from the YouVersion bible.com app. It has been every encouraging so far and I particularly loved this devotion which has given me more insight into living in faith with God.
The devotion is quoted below.
“In the famous narrative of David fighting Goliath, David needed one single shot to Goliath’s forehead. So the question follows, why did David pick up five stones when he only needed one? Generally there are two camps of thought; one camp says that David lacked faith; and another says that it was because Goliath had 4 brothers. The first is refuted because David already had experience fighting “both lion and bear” (1 Sam. 17:36), and he openly declares faith prior to the battle declaring, “The LORD… will deliver me” (1 Sam. 17:37). Furthermore, while scriptures do mention the death of ‘the brother of Goliath’ (1 Chron. 20:5), there is no biblical evidence that David actually killed the others.
Perhaps another view of the five stones was that David was simply being adequately prepared for the fight ahead. Extensive planning, thorough preparation, and acquiring enough resources to complete a task are not the opposite of faith because the task still requires faith to complete. In fact, it was faith that led David to the battle, but David ensured that he had the tools to execute, and gave all honor to The Lord when he was victorious. It is commonly believed that preparation is the opposite of reliance on the Holy Spirit, yet we observe from this account that The Spirit works powerfully in our preparation as well.
Imagine yourself in the next coming year reflecting back on this year because it was the best year you have ever experienced. Allow your imagination a few moments to fully probe that possibility. Identify three major feelings or achievements that come to mind. Ask The Father/Holy Spirit: What do I need to overcome in order to achieve those possibilities? What needs to change in my life today? How can I best ensure those changes become a reality?
Jesus, thank you that your Spirit empowers and prepares me to pursue the life you have created me to live. Thank you that you are currently interceding for me to not be held captive by fear or just simply ‘I am not a captive to fear, worry, anxiety or doubt, and thank you that whatever happens this year, you get all the glory. Thank you for supplying me the grace and strength to pursue you and all that you have for me. –Amen”
My Personal Encouragement
This is a powerful devotion to help us pursue life with Purpose! Hope it helps you walk in Faith and manifest positive changes into your life.
Remind yourself that “I am not a captive of fear, worry, anxiety and doubt”. Christ is always interceding on our behalf because it’s His desire that we live out the life which has been predestined for us! A life of Victory, Power, Purpose, Hope, Wealth, Success… Remember we are reminded that He did not give us the spirit of Fear! But what He gave was the spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind! When we think of this deeply, He has equipped us the necessary tools to pursue our dreams and purpose effectively!
Don’t be confused by that evil spirit of Fear, Doubt, Worry or Anxiety! We can do All things through Christ because He is our Strength. He has already gone before us to prepare the way, now He is just waiting on us to jump in it! Don’t let Fear cripple you from Jumping! Just JUMP! God is basically waiting on us to Just JUMP . But we are holding unto our comfort zones with our dear life and we expect God to move the mountains and manifest His power! No !!!!!! You need to Move first! His manifestations become activated when we step out unto the water, the great unknown! So if you want to see God breakthrough for you, Obey Him today. Obey Him Now! Trust Him! If He is speaking to you today harden not your heart and walk into your new season with faith and trust in God!
You want God to manifest His power? Then start to move! Walk towards that Red Sea and make the first move and then you will see the power of the Lord activated right before your eyes.
He’s waiting on you!
Blessings, Peace & Love
Live Out Life with Purpose!!!!!