The Threshing Floor
Let’s go down to the Threshing Floor.
The Threshing Floor was used for preparation of grains. After the barely were collected they were taken to the Threshing Floor and men completed the work of separating the chaff from the grains manually. By the end of this work they would have only the grains which were useful to them and the unwanted substance would be thrown away to be burned. The Threshing Floor then is a fundamental part of our walk with the Lord in this life.
In Ruth chapter three (3) Ruth’s mother-in-law; Naomi expressed her desires to see Ruth get married to a good man and find a home for herself. She instructed her exactly what she should do and whom she should meet in order to make her request to him. It was Boaz, her boss; the man Ruth worked for in the field from the very first moment they returned to Judah. Ruth being humble and obedient did exactly as her mother-in-law told her. She went to the Threshing Floor at night, waited until Boaz was done eating and went to lay down to rest before she could make her move. She then proceeded to continue on with the mission because it was her desire to ensure it was accomplished. Ruth lay at the feet of Boaz as instructed and made her request to Boaz. He listened carefully and promised to help Ruth. As a confirmation of his promise he poured into her coat six measures of barely as a gift for her mother-in-law. In discussing with Naomi what happened between the two of them, Ruth was assured that everything will go well. Naomi comforted her that Boaz won’t rest until he settles the matter.
The majority of this scene took place at the Threshing Floor. It’s a place I consider to be one of the most intimate places one can meet the Lord because of the processes which are completed in this particular area. It’s not that they couldn’t have met any other area but it was already predestined that this is the perfect location to bring about the exact example Christ wanted to depict to us as believers.
He is calling us to the Threshing Floor.
In a complete act of obedience Ruth did what her mother-in-law stated because Naomi already believed what the outcome would be. In order for Ruth to be redeemed she needed to go to the redeemer because only the redeemer can redeem those who are lost. Naomi in this instance acted under the leading of the Holy Spirit. In a complete act of surrender and desperation she poured out her heart to Boaz because she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could help her. She didn’t act in haste but only by the instructions she was given. She waited for the perfect moment, then humbly laid at his feet and then spoke when she was prompted to. ln a sincere act of love, Boaz desired to redeem her and did everything he could in his power to do so. Ruth was at the perfect place where she needed to find the solution to her problem. The gift of six measures of barely being poured into her coat is a representation of Christ pouring His Holy Spirit into us, so we become more like Him and less like our sinful nature and less of what used to define us. That early morning before Ruth left the Threshing Floor she was already redeemed, it was just a matter of time for the full manifestation of the marital ceremony to occur to officially; in the public’s eye, seal this marriage.
God is calling us to the Threshing Floor because He desires to meet with us. He wants to redeem us just like Boaz redeemed Ruth in his pure act of obedience and kindness. There is a level of pruning that can only take place at a threshing floor. At the Threshing Floor the Lord desires for us to lay quietly at His feet in complete honour and adoration and just remain there in worship. One of the most intimate levels of worship we could ever perform is laying prostrate before the Master. At this level we are showing God our heart at its most vulnerable level and He honours our respect to Him. He wants us to become truly intimate with Him and just sit there in stillness. There is a work that He needs to finish in our life before we can move to the next level we desire. Just as the men had to separate the chaff from the barely, He needs to refine us. He needs to cut off the branches that don’t bare any fruit for His Kingdom. He needs to remove the stubbornness that can cause us to stumble along the journey. He doesn’t want the enemy to sift us like wheat, that’s why He is calling us down to the Threshing Floor. In the process the chaff that were meant to chock us and cause our faith to fail, Christ will purify through His redemptive Blood. This is a very sensitive process and because of His unconditional love towards us He will not stop until we are complete in Him, as long as we allow Him.
He is longing to redeem you and He is calling you to meet with Him at the Threshing Floor. He desires to become much more intimate with you as He carefully and lovingly takes the time to prune you and redeem you to Himself. The enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy, but I pray that you will run to Christ and find redemption in His loving arms so the enemy will not sift you like wheat. Christ didn’t stop until He redeemed us unto Himself at the cross. Accept His act of Love and allow Him to prune you for His Glory. He is saying that, the chaff will be blown away and burned but if you choose to abide in Him you will have life and life more abundantly.
He is waiting at the Threshing Floor to redeem you unto Himself.
John 10:10 KJV
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Allow Abba to consume you at the Threshing Floor.