A Quiet Place
There are going to be these moments when the Lord takes you off the track with the crowd, noise and excitement and He will place you in a quiet place. A quiet place is necessary when the Lord wants to speak to us and with us, when He wants to change some of our behaviours, when He wants us to develop deep intimacy with Him, when He wants to direct us, when He wants to build our Faith and Trust in Him and when He wants to refine us for the next chapter of our life with Him. It can pretty much be called a pruning and training season. As unpredictable as it may be, it’s one of the best seasons of our journey with Abba.
There is a call you will receive from Him which will lead you into this Quiet Place. As you seek Him, He reveals to you what He desires from you. The more you surrender to His will and way the clearer the call will be. There is something about learning to surrender your all for Him. He sees your desire to sacrifice the desires of your heart For His Kingdom and calls you into His rest. It’s a place where you learn His ways, His heart, and what it means to live a life of true worship. At the appointed time He will call you out from among them because the work which He wants to begin in your life is exclusive of “them”.
In order to be set apart and ready for use in the Kingdom of God, we must undergo the necessary training and development. It may seem like you are all alone but truly He remains with you on this refinement journey. He will set you apart from the crowd for a season so that He can have some alone time with you. The necessary cleaning work which needs to be done will be done. He will remove every distraction from your life and then carefully mold and shape you to fit His image. The refining process can seem difficult and you may ask Him a lot of whys but remember to trust the Gardener because He always knows what’s best.
Each phase of the journey will be different even if it may look the same. It may look like everyone else is progressing but you are the only one remaining constant. However, once you take the time to settle in along the journey you will begin to appreciate the blessings, chastising, victories, stillness and chapter completions you will go through. Everyday with Him gets brighter. You will learn about His character, how much He loves you, how much He provides for you, and how often He is with you. He will use others to bless you and you may even feel like you don’t deserve it. He will carefully reveal His nature to you in a way that you are ready and willing to accept. He is extremely patient and kind. Although we read this about Him in the Bible, actually experiencing it from Him when we fail along the way will melt your heart. He will show you deep secrets about yourself you had forgotten and allow you, at the appropriate time, to go through a process of forgiving others and healing yourself. You will begin to feel weights lift off your body and heart and you will feel a special peace come over you. Every phase is special and they will be personalised to get you to the exact place He wants you to be. He will perfect that which concerns you.
The journey will not be an easy one, I promise you this. He will ask you to do things you never did before; things which are clearly outside of your comfort zone. These different seasons may seem long and weary and at times you may want to throw in the towel and return back to “Egypt”. You see Egypt is the place of our bondage, the place we are praying to be set free from, however, although that may be the case we sometimes get comfortable with Egypt because of the sense of security we get from it. When the Lord delivers you from your “Egypt”, run and never look back. There is greater ahead with Abba and that’s why He will redeem you. He loves you with an everlasting love. Regardless of how tough, dreary, challenging and lonely this Quiet Place will be, stay the course because the promise gets nearer with every obedient act to Him.
Welcome to a Quiet Place.