Stay Joined To Me…
“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I to you, you will produce plenty of fruit. But separated from me you won’t be able to do anything.
John 15:5
As we reflect over the past four (4) weeks, abiding and simply walking with Christ through John 15:1-4, we see and feel much revelation imparted to us. He first told us that we should abide in Him; the True Vine. Then He took the time to prune us and stared us in the eyes and lovingly said “You are ready”. After which He encouraged us to remain in Him. On our deep intimate journey with Abba He is drawing us into Him daily. He truly wants us to become so engrossed in Him that nothing will be able to uproot us.
In verse 5 of John 15, it almost seems as if He is repeating Himself. I love the fact that He started off verse five (5) with “I am the vine…” Although He said this in the very first verse, He chose to repeat it again because He wants us to know exactly who He is. He is the True Vine. He is our True Source of Life and anything or anyone else is not of Him and isn’t Him. When something is repeated, it’s an indication that it’s important and that we should take note. He reiterates what He said in verse 4 and tells us who we are on this tree; we are the branches, while He is the vine. A branch once connected to a tree will bring forth fruit and this is our mandate. We are to remain in connection with Him so that we can produce much fruit in the Kingdom of God.
A condition is presented …
This production of fruit cannot be produced alone. He was sure to let us in on this vital detail. If we desire to produce fruit; fruit that will positively impact lives and draw them to the Father, we must choose to remain in Him. When we decide to develop a sweet and intimate relationship with Christ He takes the time to renew us and shape us. Once we choose to remain in Him and before we can produce fruit, He first refines us so that we can become pure as gold. We learn to lean and trust solely on Him and we begin to clearly understand why He is the True Vine. He renews our mindset. He changes our old pattern of thinking as we allow Him and we learn to put on the mind of Christ. He brings down this old temple of ours and carefully rebuilds one that honours Him.
He knows what He is doing while He is working in you. He knows that once the work inside is complete, you will not only produce fruit but an abundance of fruit. Your fruit will not only impact you and your family but also those very same people who stood against you. Those who hated you will see the change in you. They will recognise the power of God in your life and this will draw them to Christ. Everyone, far and wide will be fully aware of your fruits and after being impacted, they will go out and produce even more fruit.
“But separated from me you won’t be able to do anything.“
This tells us that we have a choice. We are never forced to do what we don’t want to do because perfect love casts out all fear. Therefore if we choose to seek other vines and pastures which are not of Him, we will soon find out that we cannot produce any fruit in His absence. It was clearly stated to the disciples and now to us that if we choose to disassociate ourselves from Him we will not produce any fruit. In order for any branch to bear fruit, we are aware that this branch must be connected to the vine itself. In order for the branch to receive the necessary nutrients for its production of fruits and survival, it has to be connected to the vine. It’s the very same situation for us. If we want to produce lasting fruit; 30,60 or even 100 folds, we must decide to stay connected to the only True Vine from which we will receive a True sustenance of Life. This life is not only eternal but we get the chance to live an abundant life on Earth. We will beautify every area we enter. Our fragrance will be so captivating that others will want to know more about us.
Choosing to remain in Christ will be the most important thing we could ever choose to do with our life. He is the true sustainer, He is the very breath we breathe. He is the Resurrection and the Life and only in Him will we find real life. We should desire more than anything else, a personal and intimate relationship with Him because He wants us to know more about Him. There are hidden secrets about who He has created us to be that He would like to share with us. These secrets will further plunge us into our assignments for His Kingdom and we will produce even more fruit than now. He wants us to dig deeper in Him because He loves us and He wants us to experience all that He is.
There is so much in store for you right now with Him and He wants you to now, only remain in Him and seek after Him passionately. Choose to remain connected to the True Vine and He will truly show you how much He can completely and radically transform your life for His Glory. You will be amazed at what His Love will do. You will never be the same again. He wants you to not only read about the abundant life but truly and personally experience it because He Loves you.
Stay joined to Him.