Practical Tips to Maintain Your Relationship with God
Being accepted into the family of God is the most amazing thing that can ever happen to you, ever! Your entire life changes in a positive way. However as you pursue Christ, one thing you certainly would want to do is ensure to nurture the relationship. Just like every other relationship if you don’t practically work to develop and sustain it, it will eventually fall apart. You will need to put in the work otherwise you will feel distant.
Always remember that God is never far away. If at any moment you feel like He is, it’s more than likely that you have distanced yourself from Him. That usually happens when He no longer is the focal point in your life. It means that something or someone else has taken His place in your heart. Be sure to daily assess your relationship with Christ. If something isn’t right, take the time to fix it. Because He is so close, He is always ready to hear you.
Here are ten (10) practical and simple tips to maintain your relationship with Christ.
Make it a Date

Going on dates with God is a wonderful way to keep the fire burning between the both of you. These dates don’t have to be expensive and extravagant, unless you want them to. Simple activities like a day out in the park, a walk, a run, breakfast, hiking, painting, dancing, and a weekend at a resort are all fantastic ways to spend time with God and maintain the relationship. During these dates you can carry your journal to write what He will say to you. You can also spend the time worshiping, reading His Word or praying. Like I always suggest, when you feel the Holy Spirit leading you, follow Him. He will show and tell you how He wants you to date Him once you allow Him. Be open to Him.
Daily meet with God

Meeting with God daily keeps the relationship alive. You will feel refreshed after every moment spent with Him because that’s one of the things He does; He refreshes your soul. I find that meeting with God in the early morning when everyone is still asleep is just perfect. There are absolutely no interruptions and it’s a peaceful environment to read, pray, worship, study, journal and listen to His voice. Setting special time with Him will keep you constantly aware of presence in your life.
Do Regular Bible Studies

For this particular area, I am advising you to not limit yourself to personal Bible Studies only. Attend Bible Study at your church, your friend’s church, or online. This will help develop a deeper understanding of His Word for you. You will get the opportunity to ask questions and interact with others.It’s also a great forum for discussion; you will hear others’ point of view on the subject. Attending Bible Study sessions regularly at a church or doing it personally will help you grow deeper in Christ and is an excellent way to maintain a relationship with Him. Hide His Word in your heart so you may not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).
Intercede for Others

In the Bible, the Apostle Paul requested for intercessory prayers for himself and for others. This is fundamental. Just as it is important to maintain a personal prayer life, so too is it important to pray for others. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 states, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” When this is done, the focus is removed from yourself and placed unto the needs and concerns of others. This is such a beautiful way to grow in Christ and it is one of the ways He desires that we live. Apostle Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:4, “Don’t be interested only in your own life, but care about the lives of others too.”
Be Available to Serve Others

As you grow in understanding of who Christ is while in relationship with Him, your desire to serve Him increases as well. Christ walked this life of servanthood so that we can pattern after it. For example, one of the most amazing ways He displayed pure servanthood was when He washed His Disciples feet. This reference can be found in John 13:1-17. As you serve others it activates the Fruits of The Spirit within you and this will show that you belong to Him. Others will see the love of God in you. Serving will also bring joy to your heart.The more you offer yourself to serve others in a godly way, the closer you will be drawn to Christ because this is His will.
Obey His Voice

Obedience to God is one of the most important factors on this Faith Walk. God desires that you walk in complete obedience to Him regardless of the sacrifice. Abraham was proven faithful through his obedience to give up his only son as a sacrifice to God. This was a specific command from God. To be honest God sometimes makes hefty requests to confirm if you truly can respect and obey Him. In the life of Abraham, it was made clear that he really feared and honored God above his most precious possession; the son he waited years for. Genesis 22:11-12, But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Work on learning God’s voice so when He speaks you will know and you will obey. The Bible is the best resource to start learning His voice. The more you read the Word and practice what it says the easier it will be for you to obey Him regardless of the command. Living a life of obedience to God will open blessings over: your life, your children, family, generations present and future, will break strongholds, give protection and more. You will live an Abundant Life and become extremely close to God!

Fasting means to abstain from all food for a specific period of time and a specific purpose. While you refrain from food you should also engage yourself in prayer and the reading of His Word otherwise you would simply be starving yourself and losing weight. Fasting can be challenging however it reaps many amazing results. While you give up food and your regular daily activities to meet with Abba, He works in your life and on your behalf, you are drawn closer to Him, He answers your prayers, He breaks strongholds and generational curses in your bloodline, others you pray for get delivered, your body gets healed, your faith and trust in Him increases, you learn to obey Him quicker, to name just a few. The bound between the both of you elevates because of the sacrifice you make through fasting. Remember when fasting, include prayer and His Word, that’s where the power is and that’s how the relationship will blossom.
Memorize His Word

While reading His Word you can take it a step further and memorize a verse that stands out to you. When you memorize Bible verses this allows you to sit and reflect on them. The more you repeat it, the more it will become alive to you. We are encouraged to hide God’s Word in our heart so that we may not sin against Him. This also helps keep your mind on things above and not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). Further it will help you “fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable…” (Philippians 4:8). He wants us to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. The more you reflect on the Word of God, the easier it will be to apply it to your life. Take the time to also meditate on it and listen for His voice. Pay attention to what He will say to you during these moments.

Engaging in devotionals is always a great way to keep the momentum. Doing a weekly or monthly devotional helps strengthen your walk with God. During this personal time with God you get the opportunity to go deeper in understanding and knowledge of Him. As you set this special moment aside just to meet with Him He will show up in ways you didn’t expect. There is something special about devoting yourself to God and choosing to meet with Him in reading His Word. There He imparts Truth, Love, Answers and Direction for your life. My encouragement to you is to never eliminate personal Devotional time from your life. God refreshes, renews and solidifies His relationship with you there and you certainly don’t want to miss His personal encounter. You can visit the YouVersion App which has tons of devotionals to choose from. Make your choice based on God’s leading and enjoy, learn, and be refreshed as you engage in it daily.
Get into Community

Being involved in a good Christian Community is another great way to maintain your relationship with God. Please do not limit this to church services. Right within the church are various small groups from which you can choose. Even outside of your local church are other Christian groups whether on land or online which offer great community, resources and the opportunity to discover more about Jesus while you serve and grow in friendship with other like minded Believers. If you have not been involved in your Christian community for a while it might feel uncomfortable at first but step by step and little by little as you allow God to work within your heart you will do fantastic. Your involvement could even lead to you impacting millions of people for the Lord.
I really hope you decide to give all these tips a try because each one will positively impact your relationship with God and cause it to be elevated to a higher level. Be intentional about nurturing and caring for this relationship because if you aren’t, you will begin to feel distant. Please, I implore you, do not allow it to become mundane. Go beyond these tips and search out other ways to maintain the fire for God. Be excited about your relationship with him. He Loves You So Much and always desires to hear from you.