Journey with us as we seek to go higher in Christ; passionately pursuing Him, yet deeper into His assignment on our life as we live out His Purpose for us, in us!
Through the depth of His knowledge, understanding, wisdom and tools we will grow to become the individual He already predestined for us. We will reach heights and attain successes we never even dreamed of accomplishing. He will surpass our perception of this faith walk as we go deeper in Him. We seek out His heart and we will find Him and He will show us great and mighty things we never knew. He will establish us in high places to possess the promise land He promised to us. We will walk with Him and know that with Him we are more than conquerors in Christ. We are marked by the Blood of Jesus! When we set our feet unto any space He calls us to we will change the atmosphere. We know who we are in Him and we are His Peculiar People, a Holy Nation and of a Royal Priesthood! We are called to live an Abundant Life in Christ and with Him as our King we shall not be consumed by the powers of the dark world! Victory is our portion! We operate from a position of Victory!
He is our Shield and Banner! Jehovah Nissi is His name and we are called to Live an Abundant Life with Him and through Him!