The enemy our adversary has come but to steal, and to kill and to destroy, but Christ is here to give life and to give it more abundantly!
What an interesting way Jesus clarified how to identify who our enemy is. In John 10:10, He explained to the people what characteristics made up an adversary as well as the good guy. The bad guy will break entry and deceive the people in order to get what he wants but the good guy has access into the gate. He even has a gate keeper who is familiar with him and will grant him access through the gate. There will be no forced entry. The sheep will not be familiar with the bad guy’s voice on the other hand the sheep is very much familiar with the good guy’s voice, he even calls them by name.
When a thief breaks entry his goal is to steal valuables, possibly kill any animal or body in his way and even before he leaves the property he may choose to destroy it with his vengeance. This is exactly what the devil wants to do and actually is doing on this earth. He is causing havoc in all areas of the human race as much as he possibly can because the time is running out. He intends to enter into our lives steal every valuable thing from us to leave us empty handed. With his deceptive words we consciously or unconsciously grant him access into our lives and this begins the beginning of sorrow. He could have received access through evil foundations or covenants made by our fore fathers, relationships, friends, music, sex, alcohol, career, money, films etc. The list is pretty numerous. These could have been forced upon us like a covenant made with the dark world even before we were born by our family members or we could have made a decision like entering into a relationship that we sensed wasn’t God’s will for us. Either way the devil forced his way into our life and from that moment on we were never the same again. His deception waged war on our heart, stealing every good thing the Lord gave us when He formed us. We no longer believed that we could be great just like we dreamed when we were younger because the devil stripped this from us. The more we entertained his lies the more they killed us inside. He has a certain level of power to make us believe that our dreams can never become a reality. His goal to kill us spiritually seems to have a grip on us just like in the Garden of Eden. His cunning personality is a sweet trap to the destruction of our soul. Once he is able to make us believe that this beautiful talent is a waste of time he finishes his job by ensuring that we are utterly destroyed.
The thief is here to steal, kill and destroy our entire purpose on Earth because he understands the power in it’s fulfillment. The enemy knows that if we truly understand the level of power and authority that has already been given to us we will crush his head once again. He is afraid of us realizing our true self in Christ. In Christ we are more than conquerors. We are triumphant! We are victorious and Christ has already won the battle. He understands that his time is short so he is using his best effort to break all entryways he can to steal that amazing talent placed down on the inside of us, kill it and ultimately destroy us. But I want to let you know today that Christ is Here right now and He has the gift of Life and it isn’t just life but Life More Abundantly. The Life that Christ offers today and forever is the one that can cause dry bones to come alive again. His power can shake the brokenness down on the inside of you, off of you so that you can be Free. The life that He brings is one that carries a special kind of living water that when you drink from it you will never thirst again. His life is full of grace, mercy, hope, peace, new beginnings, and joy. It will transform your entire life. He says the old will be completely gone and behold the new will come. You past sins and mistakes; He remembers no more. The same power that rose Jesus from the grave will abide in you. He offers an everlasting love that will never run dry and doesn’t have the potential to run dry because he is Love. He says that nothing can separate you from His Love not even death! He desires deeply to grant you that Abundant Life today because His Love will transform your life in ways the devil said was never possible. He isn’t just here to give you life but he will give you a life that is full and good and one you never thought was possible.
Regardless of how far you are away from God, please hear me out, the thief’s goal is to destroy you. He doesn’t care about you. He knows how powerful you will become in Christ if you come to this realization because he was once apart of the kingdom. Christ knows you by name; He formed you in your mother’s womb and He knows ever intricate part of your being. He knows the plans that He has for you, it’s one of hope, plans to prosper you and grant you a beautiful future with Him now and forever. He is calling you by name because you are His.
May His peace fill your heart as you surrender your entire life to Him and accept this abundant life He is offering you.